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#FollowFriday – @JohnAnealio: Sci-Fi Songwriter,’s GeekDad Guitar Teacher, Co-Host of The Functional Nerds Podcast.

by Scott Roche May 20, 2011 Follow Friday

We’ve sung the praises of folks that we’ve met at Balticon here before and this Friday will be no different. I had the pleasure of meeting @JohnAnealio last year at the live I Should Be Writing where he sang “George RR Martin is Not Your Bitch” and I instantly fell in like. His singing and […]


#FollowFriday – @MadPoet: Writer, Editor, Podcaster, Attorney, Captain of Flying Island Press, Herder of Cats

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor May 13, 2011 Follow Friday

Over the past year (and more) I have recommended quite a number of creative people on Twitter. Today, I’m going to recommend someone who takes that a step farther. This is a gentleman who goes the extra mile in creative endeavors by leading them. Creative people can be a difficult lot. This is natural, as […]


#FollowFriday – @JRMurdock: Reader, YA writer, computer programmer.

by Scott Roche May 6, 2011 Follow Friday

Being a writer, I follow a lot of writers on Twitter. But, since Twitter is kind of a geeky thing, most of the writers I follow are also tech savvy geeks. J.R. is no exception. I first ran into him online when I started listening to V & A Shipping, a delicious mashup of Star […]


#FollowFriday – @TeeMonster: Actor, Author, Boom Wrangler, The First Podcast Novelist, Uber Nemesis, Twitter Evangelist, and Steampunk Adventurer

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 29, 2011 Follow Friday

This one has been a long time coming. And I’ll admit, I’ve been saving this one for a special occasion. This week, something finally fit the bill. This isn’t the first time I’ve written about Tee Morris. It’s not even the first time I’ve written about him on the Nifty Tech Blog. In the first […]


#FollowFriday – @JRDSkinner: Writer, Adventurer, Man of Science.

by Scott Roche April 22, 2011 Follow Friday

Today, I bring you one @JRDSkinner. I don’t know much about JRD as a person. I do know that he has a podcast called Flash Pulp that’s been running for over one hundred and fifty episodes and that takes a special kind of crazy. According to him, it’s three to ten minute tales full of […]


#FollowFriday – @GuestfordJunkie: Blogger, Junkie, and @LighterMom

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 15, 2011 Follow Friday

This week’s FollowFriday is a very special one for me. Naturally, they’re all special, or they wouldn’t get mentioned. But this week’s pick isn’t just someone who inspires me, she is also someone whom I am proud to say that I have inspired. Let me introduce you to Rachel, also known as @GuestfordJunkie, a lovely […]


#FollowFriday – @jwilkers: Christian, husband, father, homeschooler, host of The Wired Homeschool and Jesus Geek podcasts

by Scott Roche April 8, 2011 Follow Friday

I’ve gotten to know a lot of geeks over the year, few more geeky than John Wilkerson. He has hosted more podcasts than you can shake a stick at, including the Jesus Geek, the Wired Homeschool, and Compassion 365. He’s into technology for his day job and while he’s an outspoken Christian, even if you’re […]


#FollowFriday – @BronxZoosCobra: Adventurer, Bon Vivant, and Reptile About Town.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 1, 2011 Follow Friday

It’s been a while since I’ve recommended a celebrity on #FollowFriday, and this week’s pick is one that has risen to sudden stardom in a very short time. After living a relatively quiet life at the Bronx Zoo, the @BronxZoosCobra set off to discover new territory, and to record his adventures on Twitter. Now you can […]


#FollowFriday – @svallie: USAF Vet, Mother, Blogger, Podcaster, Fearless Leader, Producer of Calls for Cthulhu

by Scott Roche March 25, 2011 Follow Friday

I looked up the word “firebrand” before I started to write this post, because I was pretty sure it fit Allison D. Duncan aka @svallie, but I wanted to make sure. I had visions of butt-kicker and pot-stirrer running in my head. She’s certainly both of those. I’m not sure that troublemaker or revolutionary quite […]


#FollowFriday – @PauletteJaxton: Author, Podcaster, Podcast Producer, not a poet, but the best Good Mornings, ever.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor March 18, 2011 Follow Friday

You know that person who always seems to be cheerful no matter what is going on? The one that seems to weather the toughest storms because they are just happy to be here? Well, I’m not sure I know that person, but let me introduce you to someone who seems to come awful close. Paulette […]