Google Docs

Google Docs Wrap Up

by Scott Roche June 20, 2011 Service

I hope you enjoyed the last two reviews of Google Docs. There’s a lot more to this service/software and I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface. For the features remaining, the song largely remains the same, but I feel like a good wrap up is in order. As a clone to presentation software like Power […]


Google Docs: Number Crunching

by Scott Roche May 23, 2011 Service

I will admit it, I’m not a power spreadsheet user. I was an English geek in high school and college. I was never into numbers or databases. I did learn a thing or two about them after college when I took some computer programming classes in order to find a real job, so I got […]


Google Docs: Word Herding

by Scott Roche April 26, 2011 Service

This will be the first post in a multi-part post on the phenomenal tool that is Google Docs. First I tackle their Document features. I write a lot more these days than I used to. I’m also collaborating on a staggering number of projects, and I need an easy way to share, create, and edit […]