Personal Stamp

#FollowFriday – @PauleyP: Actress, NoH8 Activist, Civil Right’s Champion, and Captain of #TeamInsomnia

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor July 22, 2011 Follow Friday

This week we have a special late night #FollowFriday to honor one of my favorite late night stars. In this case, the star in question isn’t known for late night television, but is instead a television star who is usually up late at night. Folks, I give you the official Twitter of Pauley Perrette, @PauleyP, probably best […]


#FollowFriday – @JAHite: Husband, father, IT professional, Writer, Co-editor Flying Island Press. Managing Editor for Flying Island’s Pirate Island.

by Scott Roche July 15, 2011 Follow Friday

That tagline just about says it all. I first got to know Jeff through his efforts at the short story anthology podcast he ran, Great Hites. I submitted a handful of stories to it and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Jeff is an excellent writer and an all around good guy.


#FollowFriday – @steven_moffat: Writer, producer, and top dog of Doctor Who and Sherlock

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor July 8, 2011 Follow Friday

I’ve been a fan of Doctor Who for a long, long, long time. I stumbled across the show in the early 1980’s and have been watching ever since. Some fans of the old series cringe and cried when the new series came out in 2005, but I stayed with it, enjoying the higher production values […]


#FollowFriday – @ZombieTheology: Where the zombie apocalypse intersects Christian theology… Stories, novel excerpts, articles, and more!

by Scott Roche July 1, 2011 Follow Friday

I am both a horror geek and a theology geek. If you follow me on Twitter, it’s likely that neither of these things surprise you. it isn’t often that you get those two things in one package, or at least that’s what I used to think. Enter @ZombieTheology. They are like Reese’s Cups Dark, if […]


#FollowFriday – @PCHaring: Writer, Podcaster, Violist, Voice Actor, and the most interesting Accountant I’ve found.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 24, 2011 Follow Friday

There are some professions that just have a reputation for being boring. Politicians rate high on that list. As do lawyers. And even librarians. But topping the list of boring professions by far are accountants. There is just something about accounting that tends to make people’s eyes glaze over. But we’re not talking about boring […]


Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 19, 2011 Personal Stamp

This review is the first in a new series of reviews. I’ve been planning to do this for a while. It has just taken some time to find the right thing to review and time to review it. You might notice that this review is in the category “Time Wasters”.  That doesn’t mean that things […]

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#FollowFriday – @Cmaaarrr: Infectious Diseases physician, gamer, podcast contributor, and libation enthusiast

by Scott Roche June 17, 2011 Follow Friday

As a podcaster and a writer I follow quite a few people in those arenas. As a result, my Follow Friday recommendations tend to trend heavily in those directions. Today will be different. My recommendation for this week is John Cmar. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting John at past Balticons and he is a […]


#FollowFriday – @WootShirt – Your daily dose of unique, interesting, and just bizzare t-shirts.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 10, 2011 Follow Friday

Normally, I wouldn’t recommend following a Twitter account that only exists as a marketing ploy. To make me change this policy, you’ve really got to be offering something out of the ordinary that makes it worth the trouble. I have to say, @WootShirt does that in spades.


#FollowFriday – @ChuckWendig: Freelance Penmonkey. Screenwriter. Novelist. Game designer.

by Scott Roche June 3, 2011 Follow Friday

I always feel a bit funny recommending a “famous” persona to my fellow tweeters. I figure, “Hey, if I’m following them and they have a bunch of followers then they must be following them too.” I don’t want this guy to be overlooked though. I’ve been following Chuck for a while now and reading his […]


#FollowFriday – @Balticon: The official Twitter stream of the Balticon convention!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor May 27, 2011 Follow Friday

For a lot of my Twitter stream, this weekend will find people either going completely silent… or tweeting like the Rapture has been post-dated and someone is coming to collect! This is because, like myself, they will be at Balticon, a regional Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention held every year on Memorial Day Weekend by the Baltimore […]