
Limited time offer for FX Photo Studio!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 27, 2013 Announcements

I’ve been lax in dealing with my correspondence of late. Personal matters have driven a lot of things to the side, including this blog. So, when I came across an e-mail from MacPhun telling me that their app FX Photo Studio was going to be free in the iTunes store for just one day in […]


Plain Text

by Scott Roche March 28, 2011 iOS

I’m a big fan of programs that do precisely what I need them to do – no more, no less. It seems that the folks at Hog Bay Software are of the same mind, because their free app Plain Text is a great example of just that. I’ve been enjoying my iPhone immensely and one […]


Craptech: The Apple iPad Dock

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor January 17, 2011 Craptech

  Normally, here at The Nifty Tech Blog, we try to bring you examples of the best and most useful technology available. If it doesn’t measure up to that yardstick, we just don’t mention it. Or we wait and watch it to see if it manages to rise above the pack and ask for our […]


Osfoora HD, for Twitter – Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 25, 2010 Crossover

[Tee has informed me that his work is sending him on a business trip this week, and he’s been unable to complete the final edits for the podcast in time to launch along with the review. I’ve included the links to the audio with this article, but I’m afraid that it may take as much […]


TweetTime for iPad – Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 12, 2010 Crossover

Welcome back to another installment of the crossover series with Bird House Rules. We’re almost done with looking at Twitter clients for iPad. This week we’ll be looking at a client that is a relative newcomer to the App store, TweetTime for iPad by Dong-Wook Kim. TweetTime for iPad is a $2.99 purchase in the […]


Twittelator for iPad – Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor September 27, 2010 Crossover

And we’re back, with another crossover review with Bird House Rules. This week we’re looking at Twittelator for iPad from the folks at Stone Design, aka Big Stone Phone. Twittelator is the last of our “old favorites”, being a popular iPhone Twitter client in the past. The folks at Stone Design have been building interesting tools for a […]


TweetDeck for iPad – Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor August 30, 2010 Crossover

This is the third in the series of reviews with Tee Morris from the Bird House Rules podcast. We have been looking at Twitter clients for the iPad. Tee and I sat down and recorded audio for the Bird House Rules podcast, and I’m posting a companion reviews here. I encourage all my readers to also check out […]


Echofon Pro for Twitter – Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor August 16, 2010 Crossover

Welcome to the second in the series of reviews with Tee Morris from the Bird House Rules podcast. In this series we are looking at Twitter clients for the iPad. Tee and I sat down and recorded audio for the Bird House Rules podcast, and I’m posting a companion review here. I encourage all my readers to also […]


Tweet Flow – Crossover Review with Bird House Rules

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor August 2, 2010 Crossover

A while back, I did a review of Twitter along with the help of my friend and Twitter maven, Tee Morris. Well, now we’re back to do it again. This time we’re looking at Twitter clients. Specifically, clients for the iPad. Last time it was an interview. Now we have another special treat. This review […]


First Impressions: 7 days with the iPad

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor May 5, 2010 Hardware

I got my iPad on Monday, April 26th. Despite all the hype and the “reality distortion field” and the rabid flaming criticism, I wasn’t sure about the iPad, so I didn’t pre-order it. In fact, I remained firmly in the “I have to touch it first.” camp. From the accolades I had heard, I half […]