
Have you been wondering what I’ve been up to?

by Doc Coleman May 15, 2017 Announcements

It has been a while since I’ve been able to post a new review to this blog. I have been extremely busy and I have had little time to order my thoughts on the subject of technology. So what have I been doing? I’ve been writing. Specifically, I’ve been writing and editing, and publishing, a […]


Support the Staff’s latest endeavor!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 9, 2012 Announcements

Yes, it’s been a while since our last review went live. Sometimes it gets like that, with new revisions coming out right when you think a review is ready, or discovering some problem that knocks a promising candidate right out of the water. And sometimes, life gets in the way. This post is about some […]


A (Long overdue) new Poll

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor May 13, 2010 Feedback

The iPad poll closed way back on April 3rd… and the few of you who voted made it pretty clear that you intend to wait for next year’s version of the iPad before investing any of your hard earned cash.  Perhaps you’re hoping on a forward facing camera for video chatting?  Or maybe you just […]