
Limited time offer for FX Photo Studio!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 27, 2013 Announcements

I’ve been lax in dealing with my correspondence of late. Personal matters have driven a lot of things to the side, including this blog. So, when I came across an e-mail from MacPhun telling me that their app FX Photo Studio was going to be free in the iTunes store for just one day in […]


Plain Text

by Scott Roche March 28, 2011 iOS

I’m a big fan of programs that do precisely what I need them to do – no more, no less. It seems that the folks at Hog Bay Software are of the same mind, because their free app Plain Text is a great example of just that. I’ve been enjoying my iPhone immensely and one […]


Editorial: The Elusive Verizon iPhone

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 8, 2010 Editorial

Once again, or is it still?, the spectre of a new Verizon iPhone has risen from the dead to plague everyone with a fresh stale round of false hopes. New evidence is being pointed to as a clear indicator that Apple will soon announce a new iPhone for Verizon to be released next quarter. Of […]


June Poll Wrapup

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor July 25, 2010 Feedback

Back in June, we had two polls running. This was mostly because I failed to expect the vast numbers of consumers who were going to rush out and preorder a new iPhone 4. Since the iPhone 4 seemed to have stuck a chord for a lot of people, I started a second poll asking what […]


In which our author eats crow…

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 16, 2010 Editorial

I was wrong. In a BIG way. A little right, too, but mostly wrong. In yesterday’s editorial, and in the comments, I took the stance that despite the high demand for the new iPhone 4 it was unlikely that the pre-order inventory would be exhausted on the first day. BOY, was I wrong.


iPhone 4 Preorder Madness

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 15, 2010 Editorial

It seems that some folks have spent a very sleepless and angry night. This morning the iPhone 4 went on pre-order at the Apple store. And it would appear that the demand for Apple’s new phone has far outstripped their expectations.  Or at least their servers ability to handle the traffic.


iPhone 4, Something new, or more of the same?

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 15, 2010 Editorial

With great fanfare, and very little surprise, Apple announced this year’s version of the iPhone last week. And probably the most surprising thing about it is that we’ve seen it before. Thanks to Gizmodo and their somewhat questionable approach to journalistic ethics and property laws.


Poll time.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 9, 2010 Feedback

Last month’s poll was about ways to process text, and the results were a little disappointing. The three respondents were equally tied between TextEdit, Pages, and Open Office Writer. It is hard to draw any kind of conclusions with such a small sampling, but if I had to hazard I guess, I’d say it is […]



by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor March 1, 2010 Phones

Icon courtesy of Apple No discussion of Nifty Tech could be complete without mentioning the iPhone. I know, I know, some of you wouldn’t take an iPhone if someone put a gun to your head and threatened to pull the trigger. Many people have a hatred of AT&T Mobile that makes your typical Holy War […]