Scott Roche

EEE Pad Transformer

by Scott Roche September 26, 2011 Android

I’ve been wanting a tablet for a long, looonnnnng time. To tell you the truth, apart from the coolness factor, I couldn’t tell you why, but I was told to get whatever I wanted for my birthday. My Mom had planned on throwing me a big party, and that hadn’t materialized. So, she gave me […]


#FollowFriday – @cmdln: Hacker, podcaster, hacktivist, home brewer.

by Scott Roche July 29, 2011 Follow Friday

This particular Follow Friday was one I was sure had already been snapped up. Thomas Gideon aka cmdln is as geeky and podcaster-y as it gets. He’s hosted the Command Line podcast and blog for quite some time, talking about open source, security, and programming. He’s also a part of the Living Proof Brewcast with […]


#FollowFriday – @JAHite: Husband, father, IT professional, Writer, Co-editor Flying Island Press. Managing Editor for Flying Island’s Pirate Island.

by Scott Roche July 15, 2011 Follow Friday

That tagline just about says it all. I first got to know Jeff through his efforts at the short story anthology podcast he ran, Great Hites. I submitted a handful of stories to it and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Jeff is an excellent writer and an all around good guy.


#FollowFriday – @ZombieTheology: Where the zombie apocalypse intersects Christian theology… Stories, novel excerpts, articles, and more!

by Scott Roche July 1, 2011 Follow Friday

I am both a horror geek and a theology geek. If you follow me on Twitter, it’s likely that neither of these things surprise you. it isn’t often that you get those two things in one package, or at least that’s what I used to think. Enter @ZombieTheology. They are like Reese’s Cups Dark, if […]


Google Docs Wrap Up

by Scott Roche June 20, 2011 Service

I hope you enjoyed the last two reviews of Google Docs. There’s a lot more to this service/software and I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface. For the features remaining, the song largely remains the same, but I feel like a good wrap up is in order. As a clone to presentation software like Power […]


#FollowFriday – @Cmaaarrr: Infectious Diseases physician, gamer, podcast contributor, and libation enthusiast

by Scott Roche June 17, 2011 Follow Friday

As a podcaster and a writer I follow quite a few people in those arenas. As a result, my Follow Friday recommendations tend to trend heavily in those directions. Today will be different. My recommendation for this week is John Cmar. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting John at past Balticons and he is a […]


#FollowFriday – @ChuckWendig: Freelance Penmonkey. Screenwriter. Novelist. Game designer.

by Scott Roche June 3, 2011 Follow Friday

I always feel a bit funny recommending a “famous” persona to my fellow tweeters. I figure, “Hey, if I’m following them and they have a bunch of followers then they must be following them too.” I don’t want this guy to be overlooked though. I’ve been following Chuck for a while now and reading his […]


Google Docs: Number Crunching

by Scott Roche May 23, 2011 Service

I will admit it, I’m not a power spreadsheet user. I was an English geek in high school and college. I was never into numbers or databases. I did learn a thing or two about them after college when I took some computer programming classes in order to find a real job, so I got […]


#FollowFriday – @JohnAnealio: Sci-Fi Songwriter,’s GeekDad Guitar Teacher, Co-Host of The Functional Nerds Podcast.

by Scott Roche May 20, 2011 Follow Friday

We’ve sung the praises of folks that we’ve met at Balticon here before and this Friday will be no different. I had the pleasure of meeting @JohnAnealio last year at the live I Should Be Writing where he sang “George RR Martin is Not Your Bitch” and I instantly fell in like. His singing and […]


#FollowFriday – @JRMurdock: Reader, YA writer, computer programmer.

by Scott Roche May 6, 2011 Follow Friday

Being a writer, I follow a lot of writers on Twitter. But, since Twitter is kind of a geeky thing, most of the writers I follow are also tech savvy geeks. J.R. is no exception. I first ran into him online when I started listening to V & A Shipping, a delicious mashup of Star […]