
by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor on April 8, 2011 · 0 comments

Do you know of a product that you think should be featured on The Nifty Tech Blog? Are you interested in writing a guest review, editorial, or Follow Friday post? Would you like to lend your expertise and become part of The Nifty Tech Blog staff?

The Nifty Tech Blog is taking submissions. There is a whole world of cool tech out there and we can’t review it all alone. If you’d like to help us out by identifying a cool product, doing a guest review, or becoming part of the staff, please contact us at Let us know how you’d like to help, and what product or products you’re interested in.

We have a list of candidate products to review, but it takes time to review them, and not everything makes the cut. Even if your product is already on our lists, you may have more experience, or a new take on it. Or we might have something similar that we’d like you to look into.

Reviews need to be in casual, conversational language. As if you were telling a friend about it over a favorite beverage. Keep technical talk to a minimum, as we want everyone to be able to understand the review.

Even if you don’t think you’re up to writing a review, we would like your suggestions for products to review.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Doc Coleman


The Nifty Tech Blog

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