

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor February 15, 2011 iOS

[Editor – Sorry for the delay in getting this one out folks. Unfortunately, there is little that you can do when your guts kick you in themselves. Hope you enjoy.] Ever go off somewhere, to a meeting, or to visit a friend, and realize that you wanted to show something on your computer to someone? […]


Scrambled Bits – Part Three: TrueCrypt

by Scott Roche January 3, 2011 Featured

In parts one and two of this series I talked to you about the encryption software native to the newer versions of Windows. Contrary to what some would like to believe there are a lot of older versions of Windows still running around out there. There are also a number of operating systems other than […]


Crash Plan

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor March 29, 2010 Featured

One of the most important things you can do with your computer, is back it up. Backups preserve your important data and can save untold hours of work by letting you revert to previous versions when you discover that you’ve done something to mess up one of your precious documents. Backups also soften the blow […]



by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor February 15, 2010 Featured

Our next bit of Nifty Tech is a program called Dropbox. Dropbox is software and a service from a company of the same name. Dropbox allows you to sync and share files across computers and over the internet automatically. You can find them at As of this writing, the Dropbox client software is version 0.7.97 […]