

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor February 14, 2012 Service

One of the hallmarks of Nifty Tech is the fact that it takes work off of your hands. As a result, one very easily begins to take it for granted. The tech blends into the background, and instead you focus on just getting things done. This week I’m going to be looking at a piece […]


Google Docs Wrap Up

by Scott Roche June 20, 2011 Service

I hope you enjoyed the last two reviews of Google Docs. There’s a lot more to this service/software and I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface. For the features remaining, the song largely remains the same, but I feel like a good wrap up is in order. As a clone to presentation software like Power […]



by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 6, 2011 Android

For some time now, we’ve been looking at different turn by turn navigation apps. We’ve seen a number of them that were pretty good, but costly, some that were decent, but free, and even a few that were very useful, but required an annual subscription. The big problem with turn by turn apps has been […]


Google Docs: Number Crunching

by Scott Roche May 23, 2011 Service

I will admit it, I’m not a power spreadsheet user. I was an English geek in high school and college. I was never into numbers or databases. I did learn a thing or two about them after college when I took some computer programming classes in order to find a real job, so I got […]


Google Docs: Word Herding

by Scott Roche April 26, 2011 Service

This will be the first post in a multi-part post on the phenomenal tool that is Google Docs. First I tackle their Document features. I write a lot more these days than I used to. I’m also collaborating on a staggering number of projects, and I need an easy way to share, create, and edit […]


by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 11, 2011 Service

Everyone hates spam. I’m not talking about the canned luncheon meat that has many fans and detractors, I’m talking about the untold volumes of unwanted e-mail that fills your mailbox, offering you “opportunities” to have larger breasts, lose weight quickly, to make millions with no effort using Multi-Level-Marketing, or to gain ill-gotten millions by helping […]


Nike+ GPS

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor March 14, 2011 iOS

As spring approaches and the weather gets warmer, parts of the world shift to Daylight Savings Time, and many folks turn their minds towards the things that they can do to get themselves into shape. There are a lot of products out there to help you track your diet or your exercise. Some even track […]


Google Voice Update

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 24, 2010 Phones

Back in the original Google Voice review, I had mentioned that Google Voice was one of those Google projects that is eternally in Beta. Well, it seems that Google disagreed with me on that point. On Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010, Google announced on the Google Voice Blog, that Google Voice was coming out of Beta […]



by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 7, 2010 iOS

Are you one of those people who goes out to a restaurant and has great ideas over dinner? You scribble them down on a napkin, or the back of your receipt and then stuff it into your wallet or a coat pocket and never seem to get back to it? Or if you do get […]


Google Voice

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 13, 2010 Phones

As a counter point to the earlier review of the iPhone, this week we’re looking at something you can’t get on the iPhone: Google Voice. A while ago, there used to be a service called Grand Central.  This was bought out by Google and re-named Google Voice.  And then Google started adding new capabilities to […]