
November Poll: What would you give for better Nifty Tech Blog?

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor November 10, 2010 Feedback

Chaos has reigned in my life as October ends and November begins. In last month’s poll, I asked everyone how well they liked the polls and if I should continue them, or just halt them and move on to something else. I have to admit that I’m still concerned about the fact that each month […]


Help Support The Nifty Tech Blog

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 20, 2010 Announcements

Have you been enjoying The Nifty Tech Blog? We certainly hope so. And we hope that you’d be willing to give something back. We want to bring you more features, more reviews, and better on site services. But we just don’t have the resources to do these things on our own. We’ll continue to do […]


October Poll: Do you want to see more polls?

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 5, 2010 Feedback

September has come to an end and it is once again time to tally poll results. In September, I asked what people thought of Apple’s new Ping Social network for Music. Apple calls it a great new way for people to discover new music on the iTunes music store. Reader of The Nifty Tech Blog […]


September Poll: To Ping, or not to Ping?

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor September 6, 2010 Feedback

August’s poll asked your opinion on the podcast series of review that I’ve been doing in conjunction with Tee Morris and Bird House Rules. We didn’t get quite the number of votes that I’d hoped for but I’m glad that folks were willing to stand up and be counted. Nine people responded in the poll. […]


August Poll!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor August 6, 2010 Feedback

It has been a more hectic week than I had expected. But despite the delay, I’ve got a new poll on line for August! I hope that everyone has read last Monday’s review on Tweet Flow, and listened to the attached mp3 file from the Bird House Rules podcast. Because that is what I’d like […]


July Poll Wrapup

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor August 2, 2010 Feedback

July’s poll has come to an end, but before we look at the results, I’m afraid I’ve got a little administrative news to impart. I’ve been working to provide a special review for tomorrow, and coordinating everything is going to take a bit more time than expected. So instead of tomorrow’s review showing up at […]


June Poll Wrapup

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor July 25, 2010 Feedback

Back in June, we had two polls running. This was mostly because I failed to expect the vast numbers of consumers who were going to rush out and preorder a new iPhone 4. Since the iPhone 4 seemed to have stuck a chord for a lot of people, I started a second poll asking what […]


July’s Poll: How tech savvy are you?

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor July 11, 2010 Feedback

The first of the June polls is over, although there are a few more days for the second one.  I’m glad to see that more people are participating, although it is still a really small sample. But the results are kind of interesting.  I asked what missing feature would inspire you to buy a new […]


In which our author eats crow…

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 16, 2010 Editorial

I was wrong. In a BIG way. A little right, too, but mostly wrong. In yesterday’s editorial, and in the comments, I took the stance that despite the high demand for the new iPhone 4 it was unlikely that the pre-order inventory would be exhausted on the first day. BOY, was I wrong.


Poll time.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 9, 2010 Feedback

Last month’s poll was about ways to process text, and the results were a little disappointing. The three respondents were equally tied between TextEdit, Pages, and Open Office Writer. It is hard to draw any kind of conclusions with such a small sampling, but if I had to hazard I guess, I’d say it is […]