
Nifty Tech Promo script

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor January 17, 2022 Editorial

Prof: NO! NO! NO! Assistant: Professor, what’s the matter? Prof: That fiend Doctor Spammer has infected my system with a virus! He has deleted all of my files! My research, my data, my vacation photos, ALL GONE! Doctor Spammer: *Evil laughter* Prof: All it will do is play that sound file! Asst: But Professor, that’s […]


Why Apple isn’t going to be making an iWatch

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor September 6, 2013 Editorial

While we at the Nifty Tech Blog don’t report on the tech press, that doesn’t mean that we don’t read it. Although sometimes we might wish that we hadn’t. It is a known fact that Apple has hired people to work on wearable technology of late. That much has been well reported. But tech pundits […]


VoIP Technology

by Guest Author May 14, 2013 Editorial

[This week, we have something special for you. Over the past few months, we’ve had many people contact the Nifty Tech Blog interested in guest posting on the Blog. Unfortunately most of those inquiries haven’t panned out. They’ve just missed the target of  helping to demystify technology. But this week, we have something that has hit that […]


Limited time offer for FX Photo Studio!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 27, 2013 Announcements

I’ve been lax in dealing with my correspondence of late. Personal matters have driven a lot of things to the side, including this blog. So, when I came across an e-mail from MacPhun telling me that their app FX Photo Studio was going to be free in the iTunes store for just one day in […]


Apple USB Superdrive – A cautionary tale

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor January 15, 2013 Editorial

This article isn’t a real review. To be honest, it can’t be, as I had the product in my possession for a grand total of four days. As the headline above says, this is a cautionary tale. It is a warning about the way that companies advertise their products to make them sound better than […]


Support the Staff’s latest endeavor!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 9, 2012 Announcements

Yes, it’s been a while since our last review went live. Sometimes it gets like that, with new revisions coming out right when you think a review is ready, or discovering some problem that knocks a promising candidate right out of the water. And sometimes, life gets in the way. This post is about some […]


Rest Well, Steve Jobs

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 5, 2011 Editorial

The staff of The Nifty Tech Blog would like to offer our condolences to the family, friends, and fans of Apple Chairman of the Board Steve Jobs. Jobs died earlier today at age 56. Given that Steve was always very protective of his private life, no details have been released as to the cause of […]


#FollowFriday – @Americas911: Honoring First Responders, their families, and the victims of the September 11th attack.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor August 19, 2011 Editorial

I am not a big one for politics. Really, I’m not. A lot of the time I see politics as the opportunity to choose a side between two incorrect answers to an irrelevant question. There are problems inherent in the system, and all the energy goes to choosing sides instead of actually attempting to solve […]


Can Apple survive Steve Jobs?

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor January 19, 2011 Editorial

Steve Jobs’ latest medical leave of absence has once again triggered speculation on Apple’s ability to survive without Jobs’ hand firmly on the helm. Media pundits are harking back to the long slow decline of Apple since Jobs was ousted in the mid ’80’s, and wondering if it is likely to happen again if for […]


Editorial: The Elusive Verizon iPhone

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 8, 2010 Editorial

Once again, or is it still?, the spectre of a new Verizon iPhone has risen from the dead to plague everyone with a fresh stale round of false hopes. New evidence is being pointed to as a clear indicator that Apple will soon announce a new iPhone for Verizon to be released next quarter. Of […]