The Janus Affair: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor June 6, 2012 Personal Stamp

Fastens your seat belts, folks, this one is one hell of a ride. If you read last year’s review of Phoenix Rising, you probably either already know what I’m about to say, or you’re already nose deep into the book and not reading this review. For those of you who are coming late into the […]


Are you going to Balticon?

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor May 18, 2012 Announcements

I am! I’m going to be a guest again this year at Balticon 46, and if you’re going to be there, and you’re a Nifty Tech Blog reader, I’d like to meet you! While you can find out all about Balticon at their web site,, there are a lot of panels and programs to […]


Free Will (and other compulsions), Book 2 of the Antithesis Progression

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor April 4, 2012 Personal Stamp

Once more, I’m visiting the Time Waster’s category, providing a new review with my personal stamp on ways you can fill up that excess personal time you have from using the Nifty Tech reviewed on these pages. Free Will (and other compulsions) is the second book in J. Daniel Sawyer’s Antithesis Progression series, which manages to combine science […]



by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor February 14, 2012 Service

One of the hallmarks of Nifty Tech is the fact that it takes work off of your hands. As a result, one very easily begins to take it for granted. The tech blends into the background, and instead you focus on just getting things done. This week I’m going to be looking at a piece […]


Apple TV

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor January 17, 2012 Featured

This is a review that I’ve planned to do for a long time. It seems like each time I get geared up to do this review, the manufacturer changes something about the product and sets me back to square one. Which means that I’m trying to do a review of a very good, unsung piece […]


Technical Difficulties.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor December 20, 2011 Announcements

We are sorry for the problems with the previous post “I’m bringing Nifty Back” giving a 404 error. We’re working on the problem, but WordPress doesn’t seem to be behaving properly at all. We apologize for any inconvenience. UPDATE: The problem is fixed now. Seems to have been a small issue with our permalinks, but […]


I’m bringin’ Nifty Back.

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor December 20, 2011 Announcements

This blog has been quiet for a while, but I wanted to assure folks that it hasn’t gone away. Scott and I have both had to take time away from Nifty Tech to pursue other projects. We had set a pretty steady pace, but with all the demands on our time we weren’t able to […]


#FollowFriday – @NaNoWriMo: The official voice of National Novel Writing Month!

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 28, 2011 Follow Friday

I know things have been pretty quiet around here in the past few months. Things have been pretty chaotic for me this summer and The Nifty Tech Blog has pretty much taken the brunt of it. Scott has also had a tough time of it, with publishing a Young Adult novel and a collection of […]

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Rest Well, Steve Jobs

by Doc Coleman - Nifty Tech Editor October 5, 2011 Editorial

The staff of The Nifty Tech Blog would like to offer our condolences to the family, friends, and fans of Apple Chairman of the Board Steve Jobs. Jobs died earlier today at age 56. Given that Steve was always very protective of his private life, no details have been released as to the cause of […]


EEE Pad Transformer

by Scott Roche September 26, 2011 Android

I’ve been wanting a tablet for a long, looonnnnng time. To tell you the truth, apart from the coolness factor, I couldn’t tell you why, but I was told to get whatever I wanted for my birthday. My Mom had planned on throwing me a big party, and that hadn’t materialized. So, she gave me […]